
After my feedback tutorial with Henry we discussed a few ideas and he pitched a few interesting concepts that I thought would work well, like the butterflies for instance. We also agreed that the boy with his mother would be a powerful image; it could be visually intriguing and insightful into the story, so I decided to incorporate these ideas as best I could. I’m actually really happy with the outcome, I tried my best to sketch out as many different variations of the boy and his mother as I could, as well as how the butterflies could work in the frame. I tried to incorporate a lot of negative space because I wanted the sky to be prominent in the poster, the sky is as much a character in the the film as the people are. I played about with composition and silhouettes, but consciously left room for the title in each one as well. I also included different variations of colour in the sky just to see what might look best.

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