Panel Ideas and Planning

Instead of sketching I thought that I’d do a 3D mock up of the layout, it would be a lot easier to be more creative and move things about as particularly, subtly or interestingly as I want to. It also means I can play around with dimensions because I was still unsure of the board sizes etc and my designated panel or position in the room is still subject to change so it means I can make alterations later on when the ‘Final Year Committee’ designates positions for the final year show.


I did a mock up of my CV. I tried my best to be artistic with the layout without being obnoxious and having it be distracting from the information. I spoke to Brian and he just suggested that I get rid of the skill bars as it can be confusing because understandably, how can one know how good they are at a particular software. He also suggested that I tailor my “profile” section to make it a little more personal to me and more of an insight into what direction I am particularly keen in going.

Also get rid of the profile pic because having all my contact info and a picture of my face is dumb and in hindsight I totally agree.

Business Card_Redesign

After the feedback I had from the Illustrating tutor from the University who kindly came in to give us helpful critique on our creative futures work, she informed me that my business cards were a bit too boring and simplistic. She said that if I want to stand out then I have to do something a little more interesting. She suggested that maybe tie in my business cards with project so that when certain potential employers or other artists are looking at the card they will remember the project and who I am, sound logic, so I did a few mock ups, trying my best to be subtle with the guns etc. I have some ideas and its another consideration. I can show my tutors and my peers and get critique from them.

Poster Feedback & Alterations

After the talk with the Illustration tutor she suggested that the colourful skies might be a bit inappropriate for the rather dark & sorrowful subject matter. So I should reconsider the skies and do something darker. I did up a few different variations and including the 2 silhouetted images of the mother and son that she preferred just for reference. I included a little contrast of light, like orange and white for instance as a metaphor or symbol of hope. We also quite spontaneously but organically came up with the title adducted which I realised I used the noun rather than the adjective in the title. I can change it later. I think I have enough concepts to consider and I feel that I’m approaching the final design. I just need a little more feedback and alteration.