
Alec gave a class today on PhotoBashing; basically it’s like taking images you want from a source on the internet and “collaging” them together on photoshop or gimp etc to do a quick visual concept of your idea. Rather than doing a digital masterpiece on your Cintiq, you can do this easier method of creating ideas. You can incorporate maya and 3D models to give it that extra bit of dimension to the piece. The more you do, the more attention to the details, the better it’ll look obviously.

Alec gave us all the Zip file and it had the project set up etc, he included the photoshop file and the original maya model. He just went through his process quite quickly, used his “example” to show us and example of PhotoBashing and showed us a few photoshop tips and tricks, an example of texturing and how we could apply that exact method to creating more realistic textures on our 3D models.

After he was done he told us to have a go, mess about with his or create our own. He had already showed us him beginning to texture the castle and I had kinda followed along with him, so before our break I thought I would just finish that for as long as I could.


Quite basic like, it was just a wee muck about. I applied texture to about half the castle, drew in a couple windows, put in a door and modelled an N-Cloth Assassins Creed flag, rendered out the still and put it in the photo for a final “castle” touch.


It’s a cool concept, one I can use if i’m ever feeling lazy or particularly bold with a certain Idea.